Project Info

The MegaSyn consortium consists of DTU Energy (Technical University of Denmark), Sunfire (Electrolysis Company), OMV (Oil, Gas & Chemicals Group), SMS group company Paul Wurth (Iron and Steel Industry Supplier) and Graz University of Technology. The MegaSyn project aims at demonstrating the large-scale industrial production of syngas (CO+H2) via co-electrolysis of CO2 and H2O. Syngas is the precursor for the production of green fuels or other chemicals in a Power-to-X process.

The MegaSyn project will span from fundamental research on cell and stack test level (performance and degradation studies) as well as investigations of CO2 and H2 gas feed streams (e.g. impurity effects and cleaning methods), to the development and manufacturing of solid oxide co-electrolyzer systems and industrial demonstration of a large-scale industrial production of syngas (CO+H2), the precursor for the production of green fuels or other chemicals in a Power-to-X process. Furthermore the MegaSyn project will perform life-cycle assessment and techno-economic analysis to pave the way for future cost reductions and commercialization.

The fundamental research will map out safe-operating conditions for the successful operation of the high performing durable solid oxide electrolyzer system where the MegaSyn projects aims for a 2-years demonstration (12 kh continuous operation) of the solid oxide co-electrolyzer system with a production capacity of 900 tons of syngas and an availability above 95 % while keeping the degradation rate below 1.2 %/kh.
7 MARCH 2025